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Bruce Fenton in Birmingham | West Midlands on 25/10/11

bruce fenton

Former financial professional with the likes of Banque National Paribas SA turned Supernatural Researcher and Conspiracy Investigator. Having spent some 15 years involved with revealing hidden truth and evidence for the existence of super-normal aspects to reality he now specialises in areas connected to the ever intriguing 2012 meme. As a currently non-practicing spiritual medium and professional psychic reader he is assisted by a wealth of personal mystical experiences and connections with a community of esotericists, investigators and experiences. Currently his focus is on the possibilities for 2012 and the potentials of the human race as they spiritually prepare for the time of change.

Bruce will focus on the spiritual self development aspects of the 2012 period of transmission with additional focus on spiritual and psychic phenomena that are becoming more common. He will also include a general introduction to the 2012 subject and the Maya calendar.

About the author


Permanent link to this article: http://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2011/09/bruce-fenton-in-birmingham-west-midlands-on-251011/