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Michael and Sarah Feeley in Birmingham | West Midlands on 08/11/11

Authors, Husband & Wife team and Ex – Police officers Michael & Sarah Feeley, had the spiritual awakening of a lifetime when they relived the murder of a Victorian teenager in 2009. Since then they have had multiple experiences of a spiritual & supernatural nature including witnessing many UFO’s, Angelic & spiritual master visitation and have even seen ‘The Light’, the doorway from this dimension to the next. Michael channels messages from spiritual beings while Sarah  has many out of body experiences in the astral plane.

Michael & Sarah are big on helping people to realise that life as we know it is an illusion and that we are being manipulated by a darker authority who wish to suppress and prevent any spiritual inclinations any of the population may have by various means from putting toxins in our food and water, mind manipulation through things like TV, to disastrous false flag events and much more.  This manipulation can be traced back to ancient times.

In an effort to reach out to more and more people Michael & Sarah have appeared on many radio shows in both the UK & USA and have been interviewed on alternative TV programs on both Sky satellite and Freeview channels amongst others.

About the author


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