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Computathugz | Internet Censorship | Anonymous | Occupy Movement in Birmingham | West Midlands on 31/01/12

Anthony AKA Computathugz, A Ethical Hacker from Suck-o, will speak and enlighten us on the means and mechanisms that this now infamous hacking group, ‘ Anonymous’ are now applying, with awesome effect, to undermine some of the biggest and nastiest corporations on the planet, and the people who are out to stop them.

Where did the occupy movement start from and who are the people behind it? Is this being used to push us into a NWO state of affairs? or can the people claim back their rights and take a stand against the corporate world and the greedy bankers in a peaceful manner. Will the Illuminati bow down or are we looking at WWIII?

Internet Censorship will soon have an effect every single one of us. What can we do to help keep us free from the clutches of Homeland Security? What extreme lengths are the government going to, to make us believe that this is the only option and how they are using fear tactics.


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Permanent link to this article: http://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2012/01/computathugz-internet-censorship-anonymous-occupy-movement-in-birmingham-west-midlands-on-310112/