Crop Circles – The Truth & The Lies – An expose of the world’s weirdest and most wonderful mystery!
A tuthseeker since an encounter with a UFO in 1997, my path has led me into the fields of ufology, conspiracy, ancient history, spirituality, healing and, of course, the mysterious world of crop circles. My current research has led me to some startling conclusions about what lies behind the phenomenon of the circles and it is not what most mainstream researchers are telling us!
What has become clear to me is that there is a reason why the phenomenon has not faded away and instead continues to fascinate people all over the world. As Colin Andrews points out, “An extraordinary mystery, more intriguing and significant than we ever expected will consolidate itself – an intelligent process of which we are but part will become clearer.…”
I suspect that many in the research field already know this, but are content to keep a lid on it. I feel it is now time to blow the lid right off!