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Tanya Moore | Innovation in Education | The Natural Approach to Learning in Birmingham | West Midlands on 21/02/12

Tanya Moore, a teacher and workshop facilitator takes us on a journey of discovery: explaining how the brain learns best and how to learn something very quickly. In as little as 5 days, you can become conversational in another language! Understand the theories behind this, learn memory techniques and recognise the wonder of human potential.

Innovation in Education

A look at Educational approaches across the world, and sharing of effective teaching techniques. An overview of history, constraints and limitations in Western Education summary of Educational ideas and learning practises used in Tekos, Russia. Offering of advanced learning techniques, including memory techniques that can be used to enhance all teaching and learning.

Accelerated Learning

The Western Education System teaches us to use our left brain, highly effectively. This is perfect for learning lots of syllabus content and passing exams, but less efficient for creativity, collaboration and full brain learning.

In fact, did you know that experiential learning methods enhance speed and retention of learning? And, that by including full body movement and creative processes in learning embeds that higher level of learning into every single cell and part of the neural net.

Tanya is well-aware of the obstacles to personal and creative development that children and adults encounter on a daily basis.   She is also a life coach and an energy healer, working with individuals to connect to their best selves. Her unflinching passion and relentless drive to inspire others is the key to her success in helping people find their Inner Spark.

An interactive and memorable talk!

For further information please visit Tanya’s website:


About the author


Permanent link to this article: http://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2012/01/tanya-moore-innovation-in-education-the-natural-approach-to-learning-in-birmingham-west-midlands-on-210212/