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Manjir Samanta-Laughton – The Shroud of Turin and the Black Hole Principle in Birmingham | West Midlands on 27/03/12

The Shroud of Turin and the Black Hole Principle – a new thesis on how the Shroud was created

In this unique presentation, Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton, the renowned scientist author and speaker, will reveal her theories on how the Shroud of Turin was created. This world famous, mysterious relic of Christianity has been the subject of scientific scrutiny for more than a century, but despite carbon dating seeming to indicate it was a fake, the Shroud remains an enigma. After studying the Science of the Shroud, Manjir reveals her conclusions including

The case for authenticity – aspects of the shroud that Medieval artists could not have faked.

  • What’s wrong with the Carbon dating? – how even the scientists working on the Shroud have done an 180 on the issue and published peer reviewed papers on how the carbon dating was inaccurate and why.
  • The new amazing theory on Shroud creation linking it to black holes and what this implies for the workings of the universe.

This explosive presentation will reveal an entirely new significance for the events of two thousand years ago and the possible lost message of Christianity. Not to be missed!

Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton MBBS Dip Bio-energy (MD in USA) is former medical GP turned international speaker and author. For over a decade she has been on a quest to link ideas in the cutting edge of science with spiritual, esoteric concepts. In 2006 her first book, Punk Science was published and has received worldwide acclaim ever since. In it she described her new cutting-edge theories of cosmology which place black holes at the centre of a conscious, creative universe.

2009 saw the publication of her second book, The Genius Groove which explains how these ideas in cutting edge science can be applied to your life. She is currently working on the documentary of Punk Science as well as a new book, The Magdalene Prophecies which will bring together science and ancient philosophies with a series of her mystical visions involving Mary Magdalene dating back to 2001.

Manjir is a popular speaker and frequently appears in the UK and abroad including at various universities. She has also been interviewed by many radio and TV stations including the BBC and C4 as well as being a regular guest on Edge Media TV.

About the author


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