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Wai H Tsang in Birmingham | West Midlands on 26/06/12

2012 and the Fractal Brain Theory

In this very special presentation, public speaker Wai H. Tsang, reveals fully what several 2012 commentators have partially predicted, the coming of a world changing revelation to do with the Brain, Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness. The emergence of a unifying and definitive Fractal Theory of Brain and Mind. A huge and mysterious gap in human understanding will finally be filled. What some scientists, philosophers and technologists have supposed may be 50 to 100 years away in the future, is here today in London 2012. This Fractal Brain Theory, is the key to Artificial Intelligence and the Technological Singularity. This Theory will have immediate consequences initially in the worlds of Science and Technology, but will then impact dramatically on the Social, Political & Economic realms. Furthermore the Fractal Brain Theory also holds the key to explaining the nature of Consciousness. It makes possible the full revealing of the biggest secret and ultimate truth behind World history; i.e. that the mystery of Consciousness and the mystery of God are really one and same. It will show us that the God in the Gaps, that science hasn’t yet explained, was where the True God of Esoteric Religion, was waiting to be discovered and revealed all along. The Christ within, Krishna within, Buddha within, Allah closer to you than your Jugular Vein etc. This talk will be extremely relevant and utterly compelling for anyone interested in Psychology, Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy, Politics and the Problems of the World; and also Cosmology and Esoteric Religion i.e. Tantra, Mystical Yoga, Kabbalah, Sufism, Gnosticism, Vajrayana Buddhism and Taoism.

See a web copy of Wai’s talk ‘Revolutionary Movements and How to Start One’, recently broadcast on Satellite/Cable by Paradigm Shift TV to learn about some of the political implications of the Fractal Brain Theory.
Heres the link…

See also Wai’s website and Facebook page

About the author


Permanent link to this article: http://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2012/05/wai-h-tsang-in-birmingham-west-midlands-on-260612/