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Lloyd Pye in Birmingham | West Midlands on 18/09/12



Lloyd will be talking about all of the latest partial proofs of the Starchild’s DNA, which make it very clear why now there is NO doubt it’s an alien. Everyone will leave the lecture understanding that they’ve just seen the future in the same way people who would drop by the bicycle shop of the Wright Brothers were seeing the future, but they didn’t know it.  The group will come away understanding that we all, together, stand on the cusp of making history as big as history can be made.

Lloyd Pye is a researcher and author known for his work with the Starchild Skull and Intervention Theory. Lloyd began writing in 1975, then became a screenwriter in Hollywood in the 1980s. In 1995, he found his passion writing nonfiction in Alternative Knowledge.

Alternative Knowledge is information rooted in mainstream science, but in areas normally kept from public discussion because they cast doubt on the currently accepted paradigms and dogmas of the mainstream.

Lloyd’s fields of expertise include Intervention Theory, the origins of life, of human life, of alien reality, of hominoid (bigfoot, yeti, etc.) reality, which makes him a dynamic platform speaker in Alternative Knowledge.

Since early 1999, Lloyd Pye and The Starchild Project have been investigating a 900-year-old human-like skull known as the “Starchild Skull.” The research teams working on it have included doctors, scientists, and other specialists in the U.S., Canada, and England, and all of it has been headed by Project Director Lloyd Pye. Throughout this time, many theories about the Starchild’s genetic heritagel have been proposed. Now, 2011 DNA test results solidly indicate an alien origin that will be confirmable. The final step in the process will be a complete genome recovery to verify beyond doubt the partial–but very convincing–results obtained so far.

The Starchild Skull is a human-like bone skull independently radiocarbon dated at 900 years old (+/- 40 years). It is unlike any other skull that has ever been found or presented for inspection. It is unique in the world.

The “Starchild” name resulted from early X-rays of a maxilla fragment detached from the skull. It had two visible teeth and five unerupted crowns embedded in the bone above. That, combined with a slightly-less-than-normal-adult size of the skull and the infant size of the maxilla fragment indicated a child of 5 or 6. However, subsequent examination by experts has led them to suggest  that this age is not necessarily accurate.

From extremely shallow eye sockets to total lack of frontal sinuses, the Starchild skull’s physical traits cannot be accounted for by any known combination of deformities. The bone itself has a biochemical signature more like tooth enamel than bone, unlike anything currently known. And inside that unusual bone are microscopic fibers and a red residue that so far defy explanation . Lloyd’s presentation is  of epic significance, packed with incredible revolutionary information and scientific data that will surely change history as we know it !

Please visit Lloyd’s website for further information.

Lloyd is also appearing at Esoteric agenda 2012 premiere: http://esotericagenda.co.uk/

About the author


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