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Wai H Tsang in Birmingham | West Midlands on 09/10/12

Back by popular demand following Wai’s excellent talk on 2012 and Fractal Brain Theory.


Title: Fractal Minds & the Sacred Cosmology
In this presentation Wai H. Tsang examines what it is that we’re actually doing in our lives and explains what is the underlying process behind all the things that we do. This talk will build on and complement the previous talk ‘2012 and the Fractal Brain Theory’, but will also be standalone; essential points from the previous presentation will be recapped. Whereas the last talk dealt more with the neural structures of the brain, this talk will deal more with process and purpose. Also whereas the last talk was more about the substrates of mind, this one will cover the introspective, mental and behavioural aspects.

Later in the presentation Wai will do something very ambitious and show a complete correspondence between the process of our lives and the overall process of the entire Universe, thereby confirming in the latest 21st century scientific concepts the timeless idea that, ‘As is the Microcosm so is the Macrocosm’ and the notion that somehow we all made in the Image of God, enacting in our lives the divine process. Quite astoundingly, he will also show, using the Fractal Brain Theory, how it is and why it is that people experience certain special subjective states of being ‘one with the Universe’, ‘one with God’, ‘infinite consciousness’, etc. etc. Thereby not presenting a new path but rather reaffirming ancient methods and techniques.

This talk will be highly relevant to anyone interested in Psychology, Neuroscience, Self Development, Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy, Law of Attraction, Prophecy; also Cosmology and Esoteric Religion i.e. Tantra, Mystical Yoga, Kabbalah, Sufism, Gnosticism, Vajrayana Buddhism and Taoism.

See some of Wai’s previous talks on the web:

‘Revolutionary Movements & How to Start One’ is at…

‘2012 & the Fractal Brain Theory’ is at…

Facebook Wai at: http://www.facebook.com/wai.tsang69
Or write to him : fractalbrains@gmail.com

About the author


Permanent link to this article: http://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2012/07/wai-h-tsang-in-birmingham-west-midlands-on-110912/