“What Really Happened at The London Olympics?”
From the moment London was announced as the host city for the 2012 Olympic Games, speculation began about the true significance of this event. All the signs suggested that this could possibly be a defining moment in history – along the lines of 9/11. Many alternative researchers became convinced that it would be a platform for a staged, false flag event – a terrorist attack or ET encounter. In the months leading up to The Games, this speculation began to filter into the mainstream media… unusual given how they usually take great steps to discredit such notions.
Many people were left scratching their heads, when London 2012 came and went without any such event. The general consensus was that “nothing happened”.
For the last several months, Carl James has been studying the entirety of London 2012 and discovered that The Games were far from uneventful. Indeed, it appears that a carefully orchestrated assault upon the psychological senses of the world took place.
In this talk, Carl will investigate the circumstances that established the idea of an “event”, examine the context of these theories within the alternative community and dissect the evidence for a mass occult related “psy-op” within The Games themselves. What we think we know is just the tip of the iceberg…
Carl James has spent much of his life interested in alternative knowledge and the hidden global agenda. His interest has reached a whole new level of awakening in the last several years though. He is author of the popular Internet blog site: “The Truth Seeker’s Guide”, a part-time health care professional and full time musician and singer / songwriter. Alongside his musical work, he spent 14 years as front man for the UK’s top tribute band to rock legends The Who. He is currently working on self written material for a “truth” themed album project entitled: “Songs For Chaotic Times”.
His blogsite can be found at: http://thetruthseekersguide.blogspot.co.uk/