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Neil Sanders in Birmingham | West Midlands on 20/11/12


Neil Sanders – Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own: Media Manipulation Of Perception – Neil Sanders, BA, MA and a qualified Hypnotherapist, has spent years reading about and researching the subject of secret government mind control projects. Neil will be discussing how the media shape perceptions and use propaganda, and show that the mainstream media should be regarded with great caution when covering certain topics and stories. Just how much are our thoughts steered by the media? TV, advertisements, films, newspapers all have more influence over us than we realise. Neil’s detailed research is about to be published in a book. Neil Sanders has been a regular guest on the Richplanet TV show

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Permanent link to this article: http://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2012/10/neil-sanders-in-birmingham-west-midlands-on-201112/