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Carl James in Birmingham on 05/08/14

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The Star Trek Agenda

In 1974, Gene Roddenberry (the creator of legendary television series “Star Trek”) embarked on a journey to create the first “Star Trek” motion picture. It is known that Roddenberry was simultaneously employed by a group of new-age, space-entity-channelling, psi-enthusiasts to spread the message of “The Nine”.

What is less known is that Roddenberry’s journey would bring him into contact with key figures involved with SRI’s “remote viewing” projects, the CIA’s mind control experiments, military research of exotic weapons and various other sinister aspects of the global agenda.

In this presentation, Carl James will examine the finer details of these events and also explore the larger role that the “Star Trek” franchise has seemingly played in the machinations of the global power elite – such as NASA and military propaganda, secret society doctrines, the “New World Order” agenda, even the 9/11 psyop!

Carl James has recently published a new book entitled “Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda”. Details and links to download a free pdf version or to purchase a cost paperback copy can be found on his website:


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About the author


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