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Andy Thomas in Birmingham on 04/08/15

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A Conspiracy History of the World
A Presentation by Andy Thomas

Why do people continue to believe in conspiracy theories, despite wide media conditioning against them, and what is the real evidence to support them? Andy Thomas explores the alternative history of humankind, as seen through the eyes of those who question the establishment version of events, taking in everything from the Roman Empire, the Gunpowder Plot and the World Wars, to JFK, Watergate, the Moon landings, Princess Diana, 9/11, the ‘New World Order’ and other ongoing controversies in a compelling and important journey. Many of the world’s current issues have their roots in previous deceptions, and the need to discuss them openly is crucial…

Andy is one of the world’s leading researcher into unexplained mysteries and cover-ups and is the author of many books, including the acclaimed The Truth Agenda and Conspiracies: The Facts – The Theories – The Evidence, both available in several global editions. Andy is founder of Changing Times, which holds events on mysteries and truth issues, and is also the co-MC for the annual Glastonbury Symposium truth conference. Andy extensively writes and lectures in Britain and around the world, and has made numerous media appearances. UK TV spots have included Channel 4’s Richard and Judy, BBC 2’s Esther, ITV’s GMTV, BBC 1’s The One Show and Sky 1’s Pineapple Dance Studios, while Andy has also featured in programmes in many other countries.

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