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John Hamer in Birmingham on 25/04/17
Behind the Curtain
The Corrupt World Financial System – and how to bypass it!

John Hamer
John Hamer is the author of several best-selling books, including ‘The Falsification of History,’ ‘RMS Olympic,’ ‘Titanic’s Last Secret’ and his latest work, an exposé of the utterly fraudulent worldwide, banking system and the psychopaths who control it, ‘Behind the Curtain.’
John will present a short history of how the finances of the entire world have been commandeered for the benefit of an elite few and explain how and why, we and our ancestors before us, have been duped for centuries and systematically, cold-bloodedly robbed of our wealth.
Reassuringly, there is a way to protect ourselves from this situation – and John will conclude his presentation by outlining exactly how we can fight back and take control ourselves, securing our own financial futures in the process.
John’s books will be available to purchase on the night at discounted prices
Twitter: @johnhamerauthor
About the author
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