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Nick Kollerstrom in Birmingham on 08/10/19

Nick Kollerstrom

Duckgate and the Great British Skripal hoax

Nick’s talk will be about new CIA director showing Trump pics of dead ducks, from Salisbury, so he expels 60 Russian diplomats.  Brits deny there were any dead ducks …  Skripals were feeding ducks just before they were ‘poisoned.’  We go over the Skripal story and its bogus anti-Russian accusations.

Link below is to one view about the consequence of the UK pack of lies Nick will be talking about!


Nick also has a Kindle booklet ‘The Great British Skripal Hoax’


About the author


Permanent link to this article: http://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2019/05/nick-kollerstrom-in-birmingham-on-081019/