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Mandy Rollins in Birmingham on 16/04/13


There is a war on for your mind and your health!  Big Pharma = Big business = BIG bucks!  As such we would like to share with you the positive health and nutritional strategies we have discovered over the past few years – offering you up-to-date research and information to enable you to make informed choices regarding how you choose to protect you and your family, whilst enjoying the benefits that come from knowing what ‘they’ don’t want YOU to know.


I intend to focus on the following:

  • Fluoride
  • GMO’s
  • Importance or organic
  • Nutrition
  • Human body function ( the stuff ‘they’ don’t want you to know) and vitamin / mineral deficiencies and deficits
  • Big Pharma – to understand the globalist agenda and how we can avoid being part of ‘operation get behind the sheeple’
  • Useful resources – to empower and enable!

About the author


Permanent link to this article: https://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2013/01/mandy-rollins-in-birmingham-on-160413/