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Glenn & Jill Harrison in Birmingham on 30/04/13


Angel Myths Exposed

Speaker: Glenn Harrison – Motivational Speaker www.MotivationalTraining.com  www.AngelGuidedMeditations.com  www.ArchangelTherapy.net

The Angelic Realm are getting very frustrated with the cr*p which is being written and the plagiarised about them on the internet and in publications, which people read, without questioning the source.

They want the truth to shine through. Glenn will talk passionately about his conversations with angels, who give the definitive truth about who angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters really are, and what they have in store for us through 2013.

The airy-fairy image of an angel is old-school. If this is your image of an angel, prepare to be rudely awakened.

The Angelic Realm have guided and cajoled us for thousands of years, but we are at the brink of extinction, so a more direct approach to guidance and shaping our destiny is in place. Love and light hasn’t worked. We are now in the era of TRUTH, love and light.

CAN YOU HANDLE THE TRUTH? If not, this talk is not for you. Steps have been taken to make radical changes around our planet, which will affect you all, from health, to wealth to happiness; and it’s how you respond, that will determine your outcome.

If you continue to buy into the propaganda of the doom and gloom from the media, the outcome for your future, is not good, but if you acknowledge the truth, and react accordingly, your future can be one of bliss.

The Angelic Realm is real. They talk to us through telepathy and feelings. Glenn will explain our purpose in life and what God, light, the one conscious energy really is.

What’s in it for you?

  • An awakening to what the powers are that watch over us.
  • A better understanding of what an angel really is.
  • An understanding of different levels of mediumship, so you know how to be more discerning with information about angels.
  • Peace of mind of what’s in store in 2013.
  • Knowing where to turn to in troubled times.
  • A better understanding of our purpose in life, and in spirit.
  • An opportunity to discover the truth about the Angelic Realm.
  • A better understanding of After-life, Light-Beings, Angels, Ascended Masters, Archangels and God, light, the one conscious energy.
  • An opportunity to ask questions about the Angelic Realm.


– Retail Value on Amazon – £14.27 (12 Feb 2013)


Soul Empowerment :–
Letting Go & Learning to Live

Speaker: Jill Harrison – Avatara, level 12 Medium www.AngelGuidedMeditations.com  www.ArchangelTherapy.net

Are you fed up of…

  • Your life not working?
  • Wondering when your life is going to begin?
  • Waiting for true love to come along?
  • Attracting the wrong people into your life?
  • Feeling pain attached to your past experiences?
  • Feeling angry with the world?
  • Not achieving your dreams?
  • Not reaching your fullest potential?
  • Feeling alone and misunderstood?

If any of the above resonate with you, then you need to listen to this talk with Jill Harrison. In this powerful talk, you will be shown how to remove the blockages within your emotional, physical and spiritual self which have hindered you from living the life you deserve.

During this talk we will share, explore, laugh and help you discover the wondrous fabulous person that is waiting within your soul.

To begin to heal, you have to be willing to work on yourself, so if your life isn’t working, come along, roll up your sleeves and let us help you work on you and become the best you can be.

Some of the content:-

  • Essential keys to having what you want.
  • Going from being in the 1% physical world to manifesting in the 99% spiritual world.
  • Why success eludes us.
  • Packing your cosmic tools into your suitcase.
  • Beginning Your New Journey
  • Enjoying the Journey
  • Dream Big and achieving your dreams

Embracing change is difficult at the best of times, but as spiritual beings we deserve and owe it to ourselves to be the best that we can be. By identifying faulty beliefs, programming from parents, society and our peers, we can move from disempowerment into empowerment. Once we’ve done this, we can then arm ourselves with cosmic tools which takes from being limited to experiencing unlimited potential.

If you are stuck believing that where you are born, your level of education and your family dictate the amount of success you can have in your life, think again! The universe holds formation codes which if used and embraced correctly, it will mean your life moves from being controlled to you being the Chief Executive Officer of your life and discovering just how brilliant you really are.

Discover why success and abundance often seems elusive.

This talk is for:-

  • People who struggle in relationships and attract the wrong partners.
  • People who are afraid to express themselves.
  • People who are always taken advantage of by others.
  • People who can’t understand why they keep missing opportunities.
  • People who are angry, frustrated or feeling an outsider.
  • People who have trouble asserting themselves.

Glenn Harrison – Angel Messenger

Glenn Harrison was born in the world famous steel and high quality cutlery-producing city of Sheffield, England, UK, in 1954. He was brought up in some of the roughest parts of Sheffield and quickly learnt the meaning of ‘survival of the fittest’. His family upbringing was a hard lesson, with little or no family loving      interaction. He quickly became a ‘hard’ unloving man, who was afraid of giving love in case he was ‘taken advantage of’. Although baptised as a ‘Church of England’ Christian, his family never followed the faith and Glenn quickly became an atheist.

He went through an extraordinary amount of pain in his life; both physical and emotional; to the extent that it would have buried most people. A series of significant emotional events in 1993 transformed Glenn into a more caring, emotionally intelligent person. In 1994 he met Jill, who has become his wife, lover, business partner, best friend, co-author and spiritual soul-mate over the last 19 years (2013).

In 1996 he established a training company, which developed into teaching people Emotional Intelligence and better communication skills.

In 2005 he was contacted by angels; which for an atheist, freaked him out. Laughing it off at first, Glenn had to sit up and take notice, as over months, the angels persisted in contacting him.

Glenn was reminded of the spiritual mission he incarnated for: “Ease their pain.”


Jill Harrison: – Avatara – Level 12 Medium (Highest Earth-Level Medium) Tarot and Angel Card Reader

Jill Harrison is an Angel Messenger. From being a child she has been clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient: – she sees, hears and feels spirit. In 1994 she met up with her husband Glenn, and decided to develop her gifts further.

In 2005, she went into trance whilst going to sleep, when Archangel Azrael used her body and voice to have a conversation with Glenn, who was laid beside her, about his mission:- to “ease their pain”, to write and talk to all the people who have never had a god to pray to, yet know that there must be a Creator out there; and for all the people with religion, that feel that there must be more to their faith than what they are being told.

Since then, it has become a joint mission, and Jill has trance-channelled over 100 different entities, and had hundreds of conversations with Archangels, Ascended Masters, Light beings and spirit guides, such as Archangels Metatron, Raphael, Michael; and Ascended Masters Mary Magdalene, Lord Sananda (Jesus), El Morya (Merlin) and Lord Melchizedek. She has now trance-channelled for 8 books and over 50 angel guided meditations which have been trance channelled from the angelic realm, and sell all over the world through www.angelguidedmeditations.com Amazon and iTunes.

She has also been given many Master Classes to teach people about the angelic realm and also Pleiadian Healing. Through working with Archangel Metatron, she has developed her vibrational level to the highest Earth level, a level 12; level one being intuitive; and the levels increase with ability to access higher levels of the angelic realm.

A Level 12 medium can access all angelic levels in all universes, without ego and be used as a clear channel, when necessary, to allow communication directly through a person, without personal interference. Archangel Metatron is the overseer of all Archangels in all universes; and is the direct connection to God, light, the one conscious energy.

When Jill reads for people at spiritual shows, she is an exceptional counsellor, and also uses her ability as a Level 12 medium, to get answers directly from the angelic realm, to help people with direct guidance to change their lives, if they wish to. Jill will not charm you by just telling you what you want to hear, just to win your favour; she comes from a place of truth, and because of the chaotic lifestyles we lead, the angelic realm wish for people to have direct, truthful guidance. This may not be welcomed by some who are looking for quick easy answers, but for those of you who want to know truth, so you can have a choice to change things in your life, then a reading with Jill is for you.


About the author


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