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Thomas Sheridan in Birmingham on 25/06/13



“Thomas Sheridan is one of the best writers around, and the best writer in the world today on the subject of psychopathology.” – Jay Weidner (Kubrick’s Odyssey)

“Thomas Sheridan is a public speaker you need to hear.” Kevin Miller (Generation Rx)

Thomas Sheridan’s presentations are a lively roller-coaster of insight and information designed to allow people to remain human while dealing with the challenges of a world run by insane individuals. A world which at the same time is being purposely polluted with deliberately engineered dysfunctional systems.

Encompassing everything from psychology, history, mythological archetypes, neuroscience, pathology, symbolism, semiotics and on towards alchemy and satire, no two presentations or talks are ever the same. However, the theme of all his talks are about delivering practical tools and developing ones consciousness firewall in order to remain sane in an insane world. This is not about fear; this is about liberation for the individual from the street level up. Developing one’s creativity and intuition as the building blocks in a fortress which the control system will find near impossible to breech. From the bully at work, to the tyrants in government, they all function according to the same pathological blueprint. Understanding and avoiding their mind games can lead to a better quality of life for all.

Artist, author, satirical magician, musician, public speaker and independent researcher currently based in the West of Ireland, his illustrations have appeared on the covers of newsstand magazines, books and websites worldwide. He is best known for being the author of the book Puzzling People: the Labyrinth of the Psychopath. The book was well received, becoming a cult classic and has made Thomas’ entire body of work reach a much larger audience. He is also the author of Defeated Demons which outlines observable pathology within society and certain individuals, and his current book, The Anvil of the Psyche which looks at social manipulation through popular culture and marketing.


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