RESIDENTS are being urged to do their good deed for the day on28th November 2013 for this year’s Bromsgrove Day of Kindness.
The event, organised by Phil Haynes, is aimed at encouraging people to go that extra mile to make everyday life better for others – for example by visiting an old friend they haven’t seen for a while, saying hi to someone on their way to work or school or relieving life’s pressures with an everyday chore for someone.
Schools, churches, shops and businesses and other organisations will be participating in activities throughout the day.
The day’s events on Bromsgrove High Street, which will be hosted by Trevor T, will include music, fun and the annual mass singalong and conga.
Phil told The Standard it had become such a feelgood day that people in Bromsgrove now look forward to.
“It takes place on a normal working day and is an opportunity for anyone and everyone to maybe do something kindly or friendly for someone else.
“Whatever we are inside gets reflected in our everyday world, that’s important and exciting to know because it means that each one of us has the power to transform our world – it’s up to us.”
A film will be made again this year and activities from previous Bromsgrove days of kindness can be seen on YouTube.
For more on the Day of Kindness, or to find out how you can get involved, call Phil on 07949 763027 or e-mail him at: