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Daniel Thompson-Mills in Birmingham on 05/11/24

Solutions to the Debt-Based Money System (including the story of the Bradbury Pound)

Daniel will reveal the problem of the current money system and financial institutions (such as the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve) and set out potential and viable solutions to extricate we the people from this morass.

He will show how:

• Money is created out of thin air by private central bankers and then loaned to nations at interest, creating national debt, inflation, and resulting in the siphoning off of much of the world’s wealth to a small number of greedy, power-hungry individuals. This is the basis of the slave system we’re in.

• Fractional Reserve Banking means whenever you take out a loan from a bank such as a mortgage, rather than the bank giving you some of its own capital, it creates both a credit and a debit in its ledger, and charges you interest. In other words, it’s a win-win situation for the bank – you have to ppay the back the amount of the original ‘loan’ plus interest, but the bank only had a fraction of the money in the first place and simply undertook a double accounting entry in its books. Quite simply, this is fraud.

• The move now is to create a cashless society by bringing in Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) such as the Digital Pound which would result in the bankers having total control over our lives.

• The City of London is the real power behind the UK Parliament. PROGRAMMABLE MONEY The plan for getting rid of cash will mean that your every transaction would be monitored. And a CBDC is programmable money. This means, for example, you could be denied the ability to pay for things outside of your 15 Minute district. It can be tied to, say, carbon credits, restricting the number of purchases you can make of certain items. If you’ve been on a protest or posted something counter to the prescribed narrative on social media, you could be denied total access to your money. If you’ve not had your latest booster, your account could be frozen until you do. I’m sure you can imagine many more scenarios. For more detail about programmable money, read this: https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/what-is-programmable-money Let’s respond to these challenges NOT from a place of fear BUT a place of preparedness.

• The story of how the UK Treasury issued Sovereign Money in 1914, nicknamed ‘The Bradbury Pound’, to avert economic collapse, taking the printing and control of money in Britain out of the hands of private bankers for the first time in centuries.

• Sovereign Money leads to prosperity, peace, cultural enrichment, full employment, and zero inflation. So bringing back the Bradbury Pound would bring about these positive effects once again for the British economy and people.

• Decentralised solutions ranging from barter, precious metals, truly decentralised and democratic cryptocurrencies, Local Exchange Trading Schemes (LETS), ‘Goldbacks’, to Sacred Economics, and a moneyless society based on generosity.

• We can bring about a ‘parallel society’ by creating local systems to meet our needs (including means of exchange) and building resilience running alongside the existing mainstream systems. This is from a place of empowerment not fear, and on the basis of creating a thriving society.

• This is a time of great opportunity with the cosmic energies facilitating a shift to a higher state of consciousness for humanity. Let’s Break the Shackles of the Slave System we’re in, Take Back our Power, and Come Together in Love and Open Heartedness to be the Guardians, Stewards of an Abundant, Thriving, Beautiful Earth.

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