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Dick Rogers in Birmingham on 15/01/13

Dick Rogers – The common Good

We want our country to be one where we care about each other and about the world and, in doing so, get on our feet again.

The Common Good is a political party with a Christian worldview. “The Common Good” means “the good of society as a whole”. We want to work with others to make Britain a happy, inspiring place to live and work and a prosperous, kind and energetic society doing good in the world and bringing people together.

Our seven key campaigns are:

  1. Banks: stop them creating money out of nothing.

  2. Health: save the NHS from becoming commercial and especially the care of the elderly.

  3. Trains: Re-nationalise the railway as one organisation.

  4. Student fees: abolish them.

  5. Regions: A democratically elected government for each region of England.

  6. Power generation research: The government to do it, not just companies.

  7. China: Let’s be friends but with human rights and democracy.

Our political vision touches on all 20 areas of domestic policy, 19 regions of the world and 6 issues of global policy listed in the right margin of this page.

Facebook: Common Good (The)


About the author


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