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Emmanuel Nwolisa in Birmingham on 2/04/13




Karma and reincarnation are the basis of all Truth.  The cornerstone of metaphysics.  We have been given so much information in the past that it is vitally important to get the right explanation  –  NOW.       Our every thought and action is affected by Karma.  We cannot afford ignorance of this subject, for this is THE LAW.

What is Karma?  How does it work?  Who does it apply to? Why are we here? Where do we go from here?  Is there life after death?  Do we really reincarnate?  Why are some people born into poverty and others in riches?  Come and hear Emmanuel deal with these questions in an understandable way and hear how Eastern Philosophy and New Age Teachings give us a wonderful insight into this fascinating subject.

Emmanuel is Organiser of the Birmingham Group of The Aetherius Society.  He has been practising spiritual sciences for many years.  He is a very experienced spiritual healer and lecturer in spiritual sciences.

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