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Pippa King in Birmingham on 18/06/13




I campaigned from 2005-2012 against schools taking children’s fingerprints for cashless catering and library.

Schools were taking children’s fingerprints and storing them without telling parents. It becomes law in September this year that schools now have to gain parental permission to take children’s fingerprint biometrics.

With the advent of this law requiring parental consent, it could possibly regulate biometric technology our of schools. The technology to fill any hole this law leaves I believe will Radio Frequency Identification, RFID – it has already happened in a college in Cheshire.http://rfidinschools.com/category/uk/

I believe the larger picture is to go cashless, one chip fits all, so us human beings will fit into the future plans of ubiquitous living and the ‘Internet of things’ where privacy and civil liberties become a thing of the past.

Biometrics in schools

Against RFID in schools

About the author


Permanent link to this article: https://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2013/04/pippa-king-in-birmingham-on-180613/