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Simon Parkes in Birmingham on 07/05/13

Simon Parkes


My 50 + years of alien contact – what can we learn from this ?”

In Simon’s presentation he will compare some high profile cases of abduction/Contact with his own and attempt to see what elements or reoccuring themes come through.  He will attempt to see if we can draw any useful warnings or helpful information which has been given to him.

Simon will take the audiance on a very personal recounting of one or two of his experiences with alien beings.  He will go into detail and spend time explaining and describing the alien beings, what they look like, how they interact and what their agenda might be.

Simon’s talk will be structured as below:

1) Introductions ( speaker and audiance)
2) Terminology
3) Background
4) the link between illuminati and draconis reptilian
5) Experiences with a Mantid
6) Experiences with a Reptilian
7) Experiences with a Kilroti
8) Soul Transfer
9) Q & A


About the author


Permanent link to this article: https://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2013/04/simon-parkes-in-birmingham-on-070513/