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Nick Clements in Birmingham on 30/07/13

Nick Clements picRITES OF PASSAGE



What are rites? Are they relevant in today’s modern society? They can seem like the old fashioned and archaic painful experiences our ancestors put each other through, however, they are just as relevant today as they ever were. In the last years they have returned into favour, and lots of people, from politicians to social workers, are talking about them. They are becoming an important part of our personal development.

This talk will explore what the different stages of a rite of passage are, the principles behind them, how they can be best used to create positive change in your life, and how to create them for yourself and others. Nick gives examples of the range of rites we can expect to be in during our life span, and how each is an opportunity for learning and growth. He feels rites are experienced at all ages and stages, however, recognises there is a strong need for some form of community rite for young people as they go through puberty. He will share examples from around the world about such rites of passage into maturity for boys and girls. He also believes we can’t impose rites on other people if we haven’t been through them ourselves, so, he gives examples of the work he is presently undertaking in terms of ‘retrospective rites for men’.

Nick will share a wide range of experiences he has gained through working in the UK with teenagers and elders, as well as with indigenous people from around the world. Leaving you with some useful hints and tips about your own rites and how to create them for younger people.


Nick Clements is a Visiting Professor at Staffordshire University and Warsaw University in Poland. He trained as a filmmaker and stand up artist, before making a living as a community artist based in South Wales. He runs rituals and ceremonies for individuals and communities, as well as facilitating a wide range of workshops and courses on community development and personal growth for the commercial sector.

Nick has recently written two books on masculinity, The Ugly Duckling and The New Ages of Men, both of which deal with rites of passage in depth. His latest book, The Alpha Wolf a novel about the maturation of men is being published by Roundfire Books in 2013.

More information about him can be found at www.nick-clements.com

About the author


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