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Renee Maguire in Birmingham on 10/09/13

renee maguire pic

Renee will be talking about raw chocolate and its health benefits – samples will be given out during the talk.

Discover increased, health, vitality and a no nonsense way to be the best you yet.

Be at the cutting edge of the food revolution through adding superfoods, raw foods and wholefoods to your diet and make 2013 your year for amazing health and vitality

Join us for an evening with motivational speaker and Raw Food Coach, Renee Maguire.

My story

I am 35 years old and have been working within the food industry my entire adult life. Food has been my passion, my friend and (at times more often than not) my foe.

My world turned upside down when my beautiful sister passed away from breast cancer. Embroiled in grief, I turned to anti depressants, took comfort in overeating, and explored various forms of escapism. I became a shadow of my former self – my body was toxic and extremely nutritionally depleted, I would fall ill easily with common colds, migraine, skin outbreaks and extremely low energy levels. Eventually all these ailments became the norm.

Sow the seeds of change

Everything changed when I sampled raw food for the first time while at a detox centre in Thailand. I was truly inspired – not only at how densely nutritious raw food is but also how delicious it can taste! As a chef of 15 years I was hooked immediately, I felt as if I had discovered a whole new way of cooking and preparing food that I could whip up into tantalising taste sensations and once back in the UK I began creating my own raw dishes.

I’ve now been studying the nutritional value of raw cuisine and followed a diet rich in raw for 2 years. Through studying under the raw vegan network in America and taking intensive raw culinary courses here in the UK, I now feel blessed to be in a unique position to guide and assist others who wish to increase their health and vitality.

For more information please visit:


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About the author


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