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Scott Tips in Birmingham on 17/09/13

scott tips picSCOTT TIPS

Scott Tips is the President and Legal Counsel for the National Health Federation (NHF), the World’s oldest international non-profit, consumer-education, health-freedom organisation. The NHF works to protect your right to choose to consume healthy food, take natural supplements and access alternative therapies without government intervention. He is also the Editor In Chief of its magazine, Health Freedom News.

Scott is the NHF’s chief delegate at the Codex Alimentarius (Food Code) Commission, being the only health-freedom activist to have a recognised voice at the meetings. The other delegates are either government bureaucrats largely uninterested in health-freedom or are INGOs mainly from the major pharmaceutical and bio-tech corporations or their trade organisations. The public are largely unaware of this ‘Food Harmonisation’ policy, which is delivered through the WHO and FAO of the UN and enforced by the WTO.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1963 for the ostensible purposes of facilitating international trade in food and protecting the consumer.  Fifty years later, many have argued the full range of opinions from total support for the food standards and guidelines that Codex is creating to total opposition to Codex as the evil empire that will destroy us all.

This presentation will give you the real facts about Codex by someone who has been consistently attending Codex meetings for 14 years, as an active participant and as someone who knows the Codex players personally and has actually changed Codex standards and guidelines.

While Codex Alimentarius focuses on food and drink, and not medicines, it does influence your health (and for you practitioners, your practice) through at least several means: (1) Its standards for food supplements will impact those who consume and/or heal with supplements; (2) Its standards on toxins and contaminants in foods and drink will impact you and your family; and (3) Its relentless push for Global harmonization of food standards and guidelines down to the national level will impact domestic laws, creating and supporting a harmonization mentality that will apply to medical practices as well.  Specific examples will be given and questions answered.

About the author


Permanent link to this article: https://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2013/08/scott-tips-in-birmingham-on-170913/