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Thomas Janak in Birmingham on 08/07/14


For millenia many people have believed (and indeed still do) that every sentient being has his/her own guides. Just like angels, spiritual animal guides, also known as power animals, are ‘hanging out’ with YOU.

Native American belief goes deeper because here all spiritual animal guides have particular meanings and come to a person (or animal or plant) to give advise.

Although every sentient being is believed to have a permanent spiritual animal guide, as your life changes, so do the animals and therefore the messages.

As “airy-fairy” as this sounds, much of this makes perfect sense once one knows what the message is or relates to. Sure, different people interpret messages differently, but there seems to be a pattern of attributes messages to specific animal guides.

Shamanic healer and psychic medium Thomas Janak has years of experience with spiritual animal guides and they not only talk to him but also explain situations “physically”.

Are you intrigued and open enough to listen (and engage) to what Thomas has got to say about it all? If yes, here is your chance !!

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Permanent link to this article: https://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2014/05/thomas-janak-in-birmingham-on-080714/