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Wai H Tsang in Birmingham on 09/12/14


Esoteric Spirituality & Prophecies – from all over the World
Plus – The Latest Developments relating to the Fractal Brain Theory

It’s a strange thing that what’s generally most important about World Spirituality or Religion past and present, is also what is banned, censored or completely distorted from the original meaning. For example, the idea of our inner divinity, mystical practices, psychedelic use, and prophecies of the destiny of humankind.

This presentation will provide a comprehensive and stimulating overview of this ‘hidden’ esoteric religion and the prophetic traditions. And then proceed to show how this knowledge gives valuable insights into what’s happening in the world today. Including recent events in the Middle East; the unfolding environmental and ecological crisis and also the dizzying Technological changes we’re witnessing today. What does it all mean? Where is it all going?

Also in the course of the presentation, Wai will be talking about the latest developments happening around his Fractal Brain Theory, and the rapid progress it’s starting to make in the world’s of science and technology.

For further information about Wai please visit his website: http://www.iawwai.com/

About the author


Permanent link to this article: https://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2014/09/wai-h-tsang-in-birmingham-on-091214/