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Ian R Crane in Birmingham on 21/06/16
![ian r crane pic](
The EU ‘Hokey Cokey’ IN or OUT … either way EU’re Screwed! Unless …
The UK is being set up to EXIT the EU, regardless of the actual vote count! The purpose being to then trash the Country through the destruction and subsequent privatisation of the remaining Public Services. The devastation will be so great that people will be gagging to seek re-entry into the EU super State … which will then only be granted if the UK renounces the last vestiges of National Sovereignty.
Whilst out of the EU, the UK, US and Israel will escalate hostilities in the Middle East, thus destroying European Homogeneity through mass -migration … beyond the level of anything we have yet to see!
Whether or not any of the above actually transpires is totally dependent upon US … the 3% of the population still capable of independent thought!
Ian R Crane is a former oilfield executive …. who for the past three and a half years has been focused primarily on his Fracking Awareness Campaign.
The UK anti-fracking community has contributed significantly to the fact that the Country has remained ‘Frack Free’ since spring 2011.
In 2015, Ian released his first documentary, ‘Voices from the Gasfields’, which portrays the experiences of landowners who now live in the heart of the Gasfields of Southern Queensland, Australia.
Ian is the also the host of ‘HUMANITY vs INSANITY’ & ‘FRACKING NIGHTMARE’ both of which are broadcast from the Plymouth studios of UK Column and the founder of the phenomenally successful Alternative View (AV) Conferences, the seventh of which (AV7) which was held over the weekend of 13-16th May 2016
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