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Caroline Sproule in Birmingham on 24/04/18

I am looking forward to sharing with your group my knowledge and experience of the reality of how food intolerances impact on our health.
For the past 18 years I have run Bromsgrove Allergy and Nutrition Centre where I have been treating clients of all ages , who come to me with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. In particular I specialise in skin and digestive disorders.
During this time I have been amazed at the transformation in clients when they discover the foods that suit them and eliminate those that don’t. Health conditions such as eczema, migraine, IBS, sinusitis, hayfever, rheumatoid arthritis and symptoms such as tiredness, headaches and mood swings can all be resolved through the correct diet and supplement plan.
I use a method of intolerance testing called Kinesiology, which although it is very alternative, it is 90 per cent accurate at identifying individual food intolerances. With the results of the testing, combined with my extensive experience and knowledge, I have been able to help clients recover their health and achieve an optimum diet that suits them.
At the end of the evening if we have time I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Looking forward to an evening of education on food allergies and intolerances, and sharing my passion for healthy living.
Caroline Sproule

Caroline Sproule Allergy and Nutrition consultant 01527 58385
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