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Dr Rock in Birmingham on 08/05/18

Dr Rock
Ages in Chaos – is history a load of bull?
Immanuel Velikovsky is best known for his 1950 publication Worlds in Collision which though vilified by the scientific establishment, was re-printed a staggering eighteen times over the next twenty-three years.
Less well known, and less frequently published, are the conclusions that Velikovsky reached in other volumes that arose from his original research. These concern the history of nations after the collapse of all the civilisation-forming empires that had previously thrived and the coincident exodus of the children of Israel from bondage in Egypt.
Velikovsky suggests that the histories of the Hebrews and that of the the Egyptians have been separated by some 500 years causing current history to suggest that:
‘… kings were made their own great-great-grandchildren. Imaginary empires were described, and museum halls opened to display the arts of empires that did not exist: the art objects are products of other centuries, even another millennium’. (Introduction to Velikovsky’s Ages in Chaos)
History, as currently understood, is full of discontinuities and mysteries, strange reflections from an imagined past, such that we do not know the identities of the potentates mentioned in the Old Testament, nor do we know who wrote the Armana letters to the heretic pharaoh Akhenaten. In Velikovsky’s re-defined chronology such mysteries,
and many more besides, are resolved.
As the story unfolds biblical figures, like their cities before them, step out of myth and into recent history.
If it is true that those who control the past consequently control the present and the future, explanations of humanity’s true and verifiable past may prove to be a vital aspect of our awakening.
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