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Joy Warren in Birmingham on 31/07/18

Joy Warren – Plato’s Cave
Joy Warren has been researching into Water Fluoridation since 2003. Since that time, no new fluoridation schemes have been initiated in England thanks to the determination of like-minded people. However, we are now at a stage where even though Local Authorities have the responsibility for proposing or not proposing new fluoridations schemes, they are undoubtedly being influenced by their advisors – PHE consultants – who have their offices in the Council Houses and who, because, they are employees, are listened to despite the consultants’ lack of clarity and their obvious bias.
Due to the increased pressure, Joy has linked up with Ivor Hueting of Safe Water Information Service and together they have formed the UK Freedom From Fluoride Alliance . This takes over from NPWA which during the past 5 years has gradually taken a back seat. Joy spends much of her time informing and encouraging local activists who are threatened with WF and she also travels to threatened areas in order to engage with the relevant committees and Councillors which are involved in pushing WF.
The pro-fluoridationists mantra “safe and effective” is unproven and yet they insist on chanting it. Their policy that WF reduces dental health inequalities across social groups is unsound and yet they insist that it is a given.
During Joy’s talk which is entitled Plato’s Cave , the audience will be updated on the situation in England and Worldwide. She’ll try to identify the main actors who continue to insist that WF reduces dental decay and she’ll also discuss those actors who, behind the scenes, are intent on promoting this quirky public health measure.
She has a request: please bring a tap water sample of 20ml-50ml to the meeting. Although she will not be able to analyse for fluoride concentrations during the evening she promises to get back to you by email with the results. So, make sure that the sample is labelled with your post code, date, name and email address.
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