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Open Mic Night in Birmingham on 29/01/19

Tonight will be an Open Mic Night and an opportunity to catch up with friends and listen to talks.

Talks will include:

Peter of England

Peter’s topics will be:

(1) Brexit Treason and the Traitors in Westminster and the Impending Military Tribunals

(2) The impact of the predictions of Peter of England back in 2014 concerning the positioning of WeRe Bank for the fall of the FED and the Abolition of the IRS in the USA and HMRC in the UK.

(3) Brexit2Exit what next


Expanding on the Mudflood theory of recent catastrophic events.

and other talks

We look forward to seeing you.

About the author


Permanent link to this article: https://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2019/01/open-mic-night-in-birmingham-on-290119/