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Sandi Adams in Birmingham on 06/06/23

  • sandiadams.net

Sandi trained as a set designer in London and worked for many years in Theatre TV, film and corporate live events.
Having a passion for social justice Sandi found designing corporate live events for, Glaxo Smith Kline, Google, Microsoft, and other large corporations a challenge.
Aware that rampant hyper globalization was the aim of most of these large corporations, she took a step back, reduced her workload to spend time looking at what is really going on in our world, moving from London to Glastonbury in 2009 and giving up the corporate world.
Since then, her interest in United Nations Agenda 21/2030, The Great Reset (World Economic Forum) has grown, and for the last 15 years she has been heading up talks on the subject, to raise awareness of the coming top-down global governance, technocratic agenda.
Sandi has worked with UK Column and had interviews with James Delingpole and Neil Oliver among others.
Sandi is currently writing a book about UN Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The events of the last 3 years have confirmed the research she has been doing as most of it has manifested.
This has been a personal revelation, that we are in a human and spiritual battle with our destiny as human beings on this planet, how we will survive it and survive the pernicious march towards transhumanism and AI, the theft of our souls.
Sandi is a researcher, speaker, presenter, mother, and grandmother.

About the author


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