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Dr Rock in Birmingham on 10/10/23

Gardening Part 2

The story so far….

Food from a Welsh Water Meadow – 2023

In a second season of gardening and production in a water meadow Synchro and Dr Rock have continued to face challenges from fowl, weather and wildlife. Lessons learned and techniques developed are illustrated and discussed in this presentation. It’s been a good year – a second vegetable garden is being developed and food, fuel, ointments, balms and booze have all been successfully harvested and concocted.

Everyday *is* a school day and we believe that the best chance of getting real food and supportive medicine is to grow, harvest, preserve and store it ourselves, grounded in nature’s capital

About the author


Permanent link to this article: https://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2023/07/dr-rock-in-birmingham-on-101023/