
Author's details

Name: Claire
Date registered: 26/07/2011

Latest posts

  1. John Hamer in Birmingham on 25/02/25 — 03/01/2025
  2. To be confirmed in Birmingham on 11/02/25 — 03/01/2025
  3. Barbara Camelford in Birmingham on 28/01/25 — 03/01/2025
  4. Open mic and catch up night in Birmingham on 14/01/25 — 03/01/2025
  5. No Truthjuice Birmingham tonight on 31/12/24 — 26/11/2024

Most commented posts

  1. Timothy Freke in Birmingham | West Midlands on 31/07/12 — 3 comments
  2. Open Mic Night in Birmingham | West Midlands on 01/11/11 — 3 comments
  3. John Harris in Birmingham on 26/02/13 — 2 comments
  4. Joginder & Markéta Bola in Birmingham | West Midlands on 07/02/12 — 1 comment
  5. Roger Walker in Birmingham | West Midlands on 08/16/2011 — 1 comment

Author's posts listings

Mark Devlin in Birmingham on 22/10/13

MARK DEVLIN: EXPOSING THE ILLUMINATI MUSIC INDUSTRY Mark Devlin is a UK-based club and radio DJ, music journalist and author, specialising in R&B, soul, hip hop and other forms of black music. Since 1990 he has played gigs all over the UK, and in over 40 countries around the world. In 2010, he underwent what …

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Laurence Main in Birmingham on 08/10/13

King Arthurs Camlan The story of King Arthur has captured the imagination of people all over the world and throughout the centuries. Its very obscurity generates fascination. Instead of a recorded monarch, Arthur is a hero from a lost golden age. Yet there was a real King Arthur….. Camlan: King Arthur’s last battle: Where was …

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CANCELLED – Michael Tellinger in Birmingham on 29/09/13

Unfortunately Michael Tellinger will no longer be touring the UK in Septermber 2013, sorry for any inconvenience. Michael Tellinger – Slave Species Tour From the Garden of Eden to Higher Consciousness MICHAEL TELLINGER Michael Tellinger is a scientist, explorer and internationally acclaimed author of numerous books, who has become an authority on the vanished civilisations …

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Darren Deojee in Birmingham on 24/09/13

  the 5d Word: the return of the sword in the stone and the tree of life. Myth and legend meet manifestation in this radical new presentation by Darren. Beginning with the words we all know, we end up at an unspeakable new orientation that Re – tells two of the most ancient of tales …

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Scott Tips in Birmingham on 17/09/13

SCOTT TIPS Scott Tips is the President and Legal Counsel for the National Health Federation (NHF), the World’s oldest international non-profit, consumer-education, health-freedom organisation. The NHF works to protect your right to choose to consume healthy food, take natural supplements and access alternative therapies without government intervention. He is also the Editor In Chief of …

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Renee Maguire in Birmingham on 10/09/13

Renee will be talking about raw chocolate and its health benefits – samples will be given out during the talk. Discover increased, health, vitality and a no nonsense way to be the best you yet. Be at the cutting edge of the food revolution through adding superfoods, raw foods and wholefoods to your diet and …

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Open Mic Night in Birmingham on 03/09/13

  Were back from the Truthjuice Gathering, so come and have your say at Truthjuice Birmingham Open Mic Night!! Contact Claire & Andy, either via email or on the night, if you would like to book a time slot. Email:

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Darren Deojee in Birmingham on 23/07/13

  Be Wilder: I Am Now,Here Are you Now…Here? On authority, presence, substance, connection, family, feeling, relating, power & joy. Come for some some experiential connection, a dose of Be-Wildering spelling magic, and a journey into Human Constellations of Power.

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No Truthjuice Birmingham until 3rd September 2013 on 27/08/13

As we will be preparing for the Truthjuice Gathering, which is from Thursday 22nd August – Monday 26th August 2013, there will be no Truthjuice Birmingham on 20th August and 27th August we will be back on 3rd September 2013.    

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Ben Emlyn-Jones in Birmingham on 13/08/13   Details to follow.

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