
Author's details

Name: Claire
Date registered: 26/07/2011

Latest posts

  1. John Hamer in Birmingham on 25/02/25 — 03/01/2025
  2. To be confirmed in Birmingham on 11/02/25 — 03/01/2025
  3. Barbara Camelford in Birmingham on 28/01/25 — 03/01/2025
  4. Open mic and catch up night in Birmingham on 14/01/25 — 03/01/2025
  5. No Truthjuice Birmingham tonight on 31/12/24 — 26/11/2024

Most commented posts

  1. Timothy Freke in Birmingham | West Midlands on 31/07/12 — 3 comments
  2. Open Mic Night in Birmingham | West Midlands on 01/11/11 — 3 comments
  3. John Harris in Birmingham on 26/02/13 — 2 comments
  4. Joginder & Markéta Bola in Birmingham | West Midlands on 07/02/12 — 1 comment
  5. Roger Walker in Birmingham | West Midlands on 08/16/2011 — 1 comment

Author's posts listings

Paul Anthony Taylor – Breakthrough Scientific Discoveries In Natural Health in Birmingham | West Midlands on 03/04/12

Paul Anthony Taylor BREAKTHROUGH SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES IN NATURAL HEALTH Emerging Paradigms and the Exposing of Hidden Histories Paul Anthony Taylor is Executive Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving human health on a global scale through scientific research, education and the defense of patients’ rights to choose natural health …

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Nick Marchmont – Calendars, Prophecy and the History of Time in Birmingham | West Midlands on 20/03/12

Talk Info …. Nick Marchmont is an independent researcher with a lifelong interest in ancient cultures, vanished civilisations and old knowledge. He has been writing, developing and performing his Healing History talks since 2009 and is now a widely recognised entity with many friends and supporters. His presentations celebrate the skills of our ancestors and …

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Manjir Samanta-Laughton – The Shroud of Turin and the Black Hole Principle in Birmingham | West Midlands on 27/03/12

The Shroud of Turin and the Black Hole Principle – a new thesis on how the Shroud was created In this unique presentation, Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton, the renowned scientist author and speaker, will reveal her theories on how the Shroud of Turin was created. This world famous, mysterious relic of Christianity has been the subject …

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Darren Deojee in Birmingham | West Midlands on 28/02/12

Heal-thy Relationships Do you want to understand, save, heal, fix, fathom, improve, grasp or otherwise get a better handle on your relationships, and improve your communication skills to boot? Not just with partners, but with kids, colleagues and friends. Then come. Relationships, family and community have suffered an ever-increasing failure/breakdown rate.  In recent months this …

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Adam Dacey – Creating Mind Space in Birmingham | West Midlands on 06/03/12

I became interested in Meditation back in 1994 when I spent 6 months in Nepal – some of this time was spent on a Meditation Retreat in the Himalayas inside a Buddhist monastery.  This was a great introduction to the power of Meditation. I remember practicing breathing Meditation for the first time and thinking: ‘Why was …

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Mike Byrne – Mysticism and raising vibrations in Birmingham | West Midlands on 13/03/12

Mystisim & The Mystic Mike’s talk is to do with the Belief System of the Mystic which stems back to the beginning of time in which the Mystic believes we are all One Energy and connected to All That Is. It is an interactive talk in which Mike will show the audience how to raise …

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Rob Buckle – Crop Circles in Birmingham | West Midlands on 14/02/12

Crop Circles – The Truth & The Lies – An expose of the world’s weirdest and most wonderful mystery! A tuthseeker since an encounter with a UFO in 1997, my path has led me into the fields of ufology, conspiracy, ancient history, spirituality, healing and, of course, the mysterious world of crop circles. My current …

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Tanya Moore | Innovation in Education | The Natural Approach to Learning in Birmingham | West Midlands on 21/02/12

Tanya Moore, a teacher and workshop facilitator takes us on a journey of discovery: explaining how the brain learns best and how to learn something very quickly. In as little as 5 days, you can become conversational in another language! Understand the theories behind this, learn memory techniques and recognise the wonder of human potential. …

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Computathugz | Internet Censorship | Anonymous | Occupy Movement in Birmingham | West Midlands on 31/01/12

Anthony AKA Computathugz, A Ethical Hacker from Suck-o, will speak and enlighten us on the means and mechanisms that this now infamous hacking group, ‘ Anonymous’ are now applying, with awesome effect, to undermine some of the biggest and nastiest corporations on the planet, and the people who are out to stop them. Where did …

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Dave Murphy – Freeman in Birmingham | West Midlands on 24/01/12

Born in London and grew up in Essex, England began his career as an Animator, Graphic Designer, Portrait Artist then moved over to Computer Programming. In 1997 he was headhunted by an American Technical Consultancy Firm and subsequently emigrated to New York. While there he worked full time developing financial software for Wall Street firms …

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