Category Archive: Events

Martin Liedtke in Birmingham on 15/09/20

To make people aware and so you can make an informed choice of whether to attend or not: The E57 Social Club are currently taking your temperature with an infrared thermometer as you enter the building, you can ask for this to be taken on the wrist instead of the forehead. The club are also …

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Open Mic Night in Birmingham on 18/08/20

************************************************************************************** To make people aware and so you can make an informed choice of whether to attend or not: The E57 Social Club are currently taking your temperature with an infrared thermometer as you enter the building, you can ask for this to be taken on the wrist instead of the forehead. The club are …

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Mark Devlin in Birmingham on 04/08/20

Although best-known for his work exposing the darker side of the corporate music industry, over the past few months, one or two things have sidetracked Mark Devlin from this subject area.  Instead, he has been researching many elements of the “coronavirus pandemic” (which, of course, isn’t one,) – in particular, the many aspects of it …

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We’re back! TJ get together in Birmingham on 21/07/20

We are finally back at E57 Social Club, following the “Covid” lockdown.  We have been given the go ahead to recommence our meet ups from Tuesday 21st July. For our first night back we will host a free meet up to remake acquaintances and swap tales of the quarantine….and the maskeurade… We will be in the …

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Sandi Adams in Birmingham on 05/05/20

Smart Cities, 5G & The Internet Of Things   Talk Details to follow

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Mark Windows in Birmingham on 21/04/20

***Truthjuice talks have been cancelled until further notice. We will be in touch as soon as we are able to hold events again.*** “The Real Citizens Assembly” The new global governance system is described including who, what, where and why. The talk includes the whole historical background of the current system and explains how the …

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Miles Johnston in Birmingham on 24/03/20

I’m sure you will have guessed by now that Truthjuice has been cancelled until further notice.  As soon as the venue is back open we will let you know. Stay safe, love and hugs Claire and Andy In his upcoming talk at Truthjuice Birmingham Miles will be covering the following subjects: Solar effects. (Magnetic field …

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Martin Liedtke in Birmingham on 07/04/20

***Truthjuice talks have been cancelled until further notice. We will be in touch as soon as we are able to hold events again.*** Talk details to follow.

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Mark Devlin in Birmingham on 10/03/20

  Mark Devlin MIND CONTROL IN JAMES BOND MOVIES Although best-known for his work exposing the darker side of the music industry, Mark Devlin grew up as a major fan of Ian Fleming’s fictional spy hero James Bond, lapping up both the original novels and the lavish film treatments.  It was only in recent years, …

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No Truthjuice Birmingham on 25th February 2020 in Birmingham on 25/02/20

Sorry, there will be no Truthjuice Birmingham tonight. Have a flipping marvelous pancake day!!

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