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Nick Clements in Birmingham on 22/07/14

Nick Clements pic


A talk about male spirituality for women (and men) This funny, poignant and powerful talk examines the roots of present day masculinity, and charts the urgent need for change.

Nick Clements is one of the most inspirational speakers on the alternative circuit, he has talked and run workshops all over the UK, Europe and America. His talks are full of radical new ideas and concepts which will cause thought, debate and discussion.

The talk is a distillation of over 30 years working with teenagers and men in areas of high social need, as well as being taught and performing ritual and ceremony with indigenous people from all over the world.

Nick illustrates how we can help boys to become men by looking at:

• The tyrant to the wimp, what is masculinity?

• How our education system is failing boys (and girls)

• Emotional intelligence is conditioned out of men

• The positive effects of rite of passage

• The four genders concept

• Forgiveness and authenticity

This talk is about the urgent need to change masculinity and how this can effect our own personal development as women and men, as well as the wider culture and community.

About the author


Permanent link to this article: https://birmingham.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2014/05/nick-clements-in-birmingham-on-220714/