Category Archive: Events

John Hamer in Birmingham on 15/08/23

Winston Churchill – Was he really the ‘Greatest ever Briton?’ Winston Churchill: the man voted in a fairly recent newspaper poll as the ‘greatest ever Englishman,’ was actually an evil, self-serving, narcissistic, opportunistic, hypocritical, treacherous, traitorous, perverted paedophile and a murdering psychopath. The truth about Winston Churchill is that he was a traitor who in …

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The Republic of England in Birmingham on 01/08/23

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Laurence Main in Birmingham on 18/07/23

Author Laurence Main studied history at Oxford University, where he gained his degree in 1973. He came to live in Dinas Mawddwy in 1981 and soon realised it was the site of the Battle of Camlan.  A druid (who chaired the Council of British Orders in 2001) and a dowser of leys (currently Hon. Secretary …

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Michael Feeley in Birmingham on 04/07/23

Michael Feeley is a former UK police officer and now ancient code breaker and spiritual life coach, who has authored 7 paperback books, with others currently in writing and several e-books on various esoteric subjects and is also a public/international conference speaker and global radio contributor . He is currently adapting his work to cater to …

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Open Mic Night in Birmingham on 20/06/23

Tonight will be an Open Mic Night and an opportunity to catch up with friends and listen to talks. Talk slots are around 20-30 minutes so feel free to have the mic, if you have a topic you would like to speak about either let Claire or Andy know or email us at: We …

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People’s Common Wealth Day in Birmingham on 29/04/23

Martin Geddes presents: The Green Pill 29th April 2023   12pm -5pm at The Friends Institute 220 Moseley Rd B12 0DG Discussing: The Peoples’ solutions to the matrix.   Law, Self-determination, Self-sufficiency & Local Autonomy   Hosted by: LCS News Supported by: The Peoples’ Trust at The Friends Institute A Green Pill Remedy …

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Peoples Common Wealth Day in Birmingham on 25/03/23

Tickets from Eventbright Opening 10.30 am -Closing  9.30 pm Main Hall -Knowledge Talks 11am* Joy Warren – -Health Affects of fluoride on children and adults. 12pm *Ian Jarvis -5G and the toxicity of EMF electro magnetic frequencies and remedies. 1pm*Wild Food Medicines 2 pm *Ancestral Empowerment 3pm*Laurence Main  “Ley Hunters” – Walking …

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Sandi Adams in Birmingham on 06/06/23 Sandi trained as a set designer in London and worked for many years in Theatre TV, film and corporate live events. Having a passion for social justice Sandi found designing corporate live events for, Glaxo Smith Kline, Google, Microsoft, and other large corporations a challenge. Aware that rampant hyper globalization was the aim of …

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Feargus O’Connor Greenwood in Birmingham on 14/03/23

  180° : Unlearn The Lies You’ve Been Taught To Believe The talk in a nutshell: What has been done to us Why it has been done to us What we can do about it (practical action points) How to communicate the truth to others without alienating them (5 hurdles, 10 solutions) How we can …

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Will Keyte in Birmingham on 17/01/23

Holding Criminal Government to Account: Contrary to the belief of many, our Common Law Constitution was set-up to support our liberties. It’s easy to understand but many aspects were deliberately concealed. We need to own it and use it urgently. The government can be held to account with this knowledge.

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